Branding SpinachAI
I led the creation of the brand, design system, style and voice.

An optimistic future

Spinach started with an emphasis on team collaboration and had evolved to a focus on leveraging AI’s meeting impact. We update the brand and changed our name to SpinachAI.

Inspiration and Mood Boards

We liked the idea of a dark theme sybolizing the unknown.  But I wanted to stay away from overused cosmic space or hacker vibes.  Our end result was closer to “northern lights by a warm campsite” than “crypto hacker coin.”

Original Design System

We built a robust design system for the original spinach brand that served as the blueprint for the new elements we needed.

Logo Refresh

We knew we liked the overall shape of the mark. It was iconic and reconizable, so we explored other ways to differentiate - color, stroke and treatment

I also wanted to bring in gradients, brighter, bolder colors, and a heavier contrast of lights against darks.


We had a bigger focus on readibility, as the product generated more summarized information.


Our previous theme didn’t have enough mid tones. This time, I added more in the oranges and lighter and darker tints for all.

For our main logo color, we chose an eye catching neon green.

Additionally, we templaized gradients for use across different collateral.